Too Much Input

My appetite for well-written novels and articles in genres and on topics that I’m interested in, and the availability of all of those, are more than the time I have to read it. I am already staring up at the tower of books now.

These aren’t counting the five books I finished already in 2024

Regarding Reading
1. I will make lists of books I want to read for the upcoming year as a guide and promptly ignore it in favor of following wherever my heart and brain take me instead. 2. The books on the nightstand and shelf will eventually be read, if only I stop

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Reading is a lifelong habit for me. I enjoy reading for pleasure as well as knowledge. The book log below is not an exhaustive one because I have not kept up with it so I’ll be filling it in slowly as I go and re-reads will be with an

The pile of physical and digital books I want to read grows far more rapidly than the pile I have read. The list of articles I have saved in my read-it-later app is just as extensive, but they are more easily digestible.