Clean Slate

Ever feel like taking the pages out of your notebook and ripping them out to start over?

Yeah, me too. Since you are reading this you are involved in the process as well.

The Facebook accounts are “scheduled” for deletion, the GReader inbox has been thinned out.

People on Twitter that I am following has been reduced.

The website is being streamlined into something more manageable and readable.

Possessions that might have been useful or meaningful are neither and are being sold or given away.

The ideas I want to post here should be relevant, not random. They also need to be mine, not someone else’s idea. My media content should be posted here, not theirs. I can save that for Twitter or Google Plus. 

I suppose I just want this website to be a reflection of me and you are seeing these ideas and changes evolve as I am evolving. 

The first, overreactive response I had to this feeling was to export the content, archive it and restore the database with a fresh install.

I’ve done this many times with a computer’s hard drive, why not this website? Heck, I may still do it.

I want to be intentional, focused and fresh. I need a blank page to start this whole thing over.