My iOS App List

This time last year I was still a die-hard Android fandroid and submitted my favorite and most-used apps for my devices.


Now that I have converted to Apple devices it is time to update this list.

No, I won’t state which operating system I prefer at this time or answer why I switched or will I switch back. Okay, I will but not in this post.

I’ll be breaking down the top apps from the categories as shown on my home screens. This is not an exhaustive list. 

It should also be mentioned that a lot of these apps are on both platforms but the user experience, design and even features are more developed for the iOS user. I hate this. But I am enjoying the extra features that are not provided for Androids.


Mailbox: Now a part of the Dropbox cloud storage provider, this minamally designed tool allows me to combine email addresses into one location.

Any.Do or Wunderlist: Gorgeous apps that help me stay on track of my my to-do’s. They both offer web browser tools. Tough choice here but I lean to Wunderlist because it allows me to use folders.

Feedly: This is where I get my daily news feed.

Instapaper: This is where I can save my news feed articles to read later.

Evernote: If you don’t know what Evernote is by now…


Ok, so they are just the usual social media suspects. Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.


Waze: I drive around the city for most of the day and just LOVE to play in traffic. 10 miles in one hour? Why not. Waze is a social creature. Other drivers ahead of you alerts you to traffic conditions, accidents, police whereabouts and other road issues. Bought by Google and integrated into their Maps.

Google Maps: Duh.

Geocaching: Treasure hunting and all the world has a cache for you to discover. Get out there!

Ingress: A virtual reality game but played in the real world. Get out there!

Dark Sky: The best and the best looking weather app out there. Scary how accurate it is. 


Again, the usual suspects here like Runkeeper, MyFitnessPal, Fitbit but with one exception, Carrot. I just discovered it. Carrot will insult and playfully shame you into working out and tracking your progress. She is artificial intelligence and she looks down on us poor meatbags. 


What’s in my digital camera bag? Procam takes advantage of the iPhone’s excellent sensor and then throws in the tools that control it. It has a DSLR interface with DSLR controls. Brilliant.

Also used are Hipstamatic for the retro cameras, Reflex and Instant that replicates the Polaroid cameras.

Snapseed: In the darkroom to process and edit the images I use Snapseed as my go-to. Nothing else beats the processing controls. 

Facetune: Sometimes we all need help with those pesky face or teeth issues. Wrinkles, warts, zits, stained teeth be gone. 

VSCOcam: Forget Instagram, EyeEm and the rest. This company has taken over with their first class camera, editing, filters and web displays.


Overcast: Podcasting client with the same features as the basic podcasting app but looks so much better.


Hyperlapse from Instagram. Yeah, it is a fad, but I like silent vids that have been fast forwarded  like the old Benny Hill chase scenes.

The End

Okay, now what should I add to my devices? Go.