Regarding Reading

  1. I will make lists of books I want to read for the upcoming year as a guide and promptly ignore it in favor of following wherever my heart and brain take me instead.
  2. The books on the nightstand and shelf will eventually be read, if only I stop adding to them. But I know I won’t stop adding to them.
  3. Reading does not make me superior. 
  4. Reading, instead, makes me feel inferior as I have much to learn and sort out how to apply.
  5. Bookstores, libraries, junk shops are labyrinths for the mind I plan on getting lost in every time.
  6. I will make time for reading, in the same way I make time for food
  7. I will read whatever I find interesting including novels, short stories, blog posts, essays, biographies, magazines, etc.
  8. I will try not to prejudge or set expectations before read something.
  9. I will practice marginalia by highlighting and notating sentences and paragraphs that reach out to me.
  10. I will notate and add quotes and passages inside my personal operating system (Grey Matter)
  11. I will re-read books just like I would have songs on a playlist or re-watch movies.
  12. I will make lists of books I want to read for the upcoming year as a guide and promptly ignore it in favor of following wherever my heart and brain take me instead.
  13. I will try to bring a book with me at all times. (E-books are great for this)
  14. I will read whatever I feel like without hesitation or guilt. 
  15. I will read whatever I find interesting including novels, short stories, blog posts, essays, biographies, magazines, etc.
  16. I will not allow an author to waste my time and allow myself to label a read as “did not finish”
  17. It’s okay to put a book down and go off to do something physical. The book will be there when I get back.
  18. Do I want to read more biographies? Will I learn something or is it propaganda?
  19. I have a smile on my face after finishing a book and immediately pick up the next one with the same energy.
  20. When I find a book that I enjoy, I will make an effort to read other titles by the same author. Maybe even try to discover their influences and read those too.
  21. I will turn off notifications and distractions
  22. I will not finish books “just because”
  23. I have to accept that is impossible to read everything I want to.
  24. I enjoy book reviews and discussions of books if done correctly. I will download and skim samples of a book, including the Table of Contents before deciding to purchase.
  25. I will follow up on what people suggest after I ask them what they are reading.
  26. I will keep, document, and share what I am reading and maybe even explain why. 

Go visit my Bookshelf page for more insight