Goodbye, Things

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” – Lau Tzu

This will be the last newsletter for a few weeks until I have completed another cross-country move. Once I am done with relocating to Florida and have unpacked and then organize, I can start thinking about cranking out a newsletter and podcast.

During the past few weeks of sorting, organizing, and packing, I’ve had a chance to reflect on a few thoughts that help inspire me to live and maintain a minimalistic lifestyle.

  1. We all would like to live in a nice, spacious home. But when you really think about it, we just want to allow “Our Things” to live in a comfortable environment.
  2. Our things are living rent-free in our homes
  3. Our homes are not museums. It doesn’t need a collection to curate.
  4. Our collections are not priceless, and they take up too much space.
  5. Dust tells you how much you value your things.
  6. Less things = less chores.
  7. One thing in = one thing out.
  8. What if you had to start all over?
  9. Discarding memorabilia is not discarding memories.
  10. Things tend to bring in more things.
  11. Somewhere in the back of our minds, we’re thinking that we haven’t gotten our money’s worth yet. But the reality of the matter is that we most likely never will.
  12. Discarding things can be wasteful. But the guilt that keeps you from minimizing is the true waste.

“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” -Tyler Durden, Fight Club.

Until next time,

  • Chris
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma