What Did I Learn In 2022?

What did I learn, or discover during the year of 2022?

“I learned that I have more to learn.”

My book reading total surpassed the goal of 22 books in 2022. I keep track because I need to look back to remember what I have read. The number of books read is pointless if I haven’t learned something or retain the enjoyment of the novel.

I learned that I know almost nothing of consequence anymore and this needs to change.

By the time this post has been read, I have managed to survive fifty years in 2022. But in my mind, I think I am just getting started. I’ve learned that I have become complacent and content with what I have. But then again,

“Nothing good comes when you are comfortable and cozy”

I don’t want to talk about things and not see change. I want to make things happen for myself.

I have learned that politics, media, and social media have validated my personal beliefs that they are useless. Those three have justified my thinking in their actions and behaviors.

Surprising myself, I learned that I am adaptable and can acclimate myself towards the cold winter months. The shorter days no longer affect my mood. The harsh weather, barring any blizzards, is tolerable enough for me to work outdoors all day.

Less is more. The desire to purge the extra stuff in the house is real. Or as a friend tells it: “De-bullshit my life.”

I learned that I am in better shape than some people my age, but there is much room for improvement. I learned, once again, that less truly is more.

I discovered that I am more prone to becoming an introvert these days as opposed to me previously being an extrovert.

I am reminded that the desire to travel to Cambodia, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Spain and Portugal is growing stronger.

I learned my Spanish sucks but that will become rectified in 2023.

I learned the desire to tune my bicycle and hit the city’s trails is still there. I learned that there are more trails to hike and there are always more places to explore.

I learned that there are amazingly intelligent and talented individuals outside of social media. I want to be friends and learn from them.

I learned I need to be even more patient and more flexible.

I learned a newfound appreciation for classical music, Tibetan singing bowls and other meditative music.

I learned the perfect workflow does not exist. The perfect book does not exist and I won’t stop looking for either.

I learned that the best laid plans are elusive.

I learned not to trust employers because they will always sell out good employees to save money.

I learned to trust and appreciate my supportive family and friends more.

I learned that domestic air travel is to be avoided if possible.

I am learning that despite having and maintaining a website for twenty years, that hitting “Publish” in my software app is still one of my favorite things to do.

The 2022 book has been closed and a new book with twelve chapters has been opened in 2023. After the past two months of sloth, gluttony and consumption, I learned I am ready to see positive changes this year.