A Look Back
Once again, I find myself working behind the scenes of this website. This time, I am organizing the backend, the stuff that no one else sees. I am also wrapping up the migration of writings from my previous sites into here for posterity. Such as…
Back In Time
With the help of the Internet Archives and their Wayback Machine, I am slowly cutting/pasting/posting some of this website’s missing articles that somehow did not migrate and log. The Machine only takes snapshots and not the full site, so I’m positive there are a lot…
The WayBack Machine
Have you heard about the Internet Archive? I have but somehow always forget that it is available. It is a library of books, software, music, websites and more. A perfect blend of old and new knowledge. This is truly a national treasure. Did I mention…
I just discovered that my blog editor now has back-linking capabilities. Huh.
I am in a mood again. Thinking about keeping this website online as a private online archive while at the same time, writing to the journal inside my own offline database. If I do take this private, it’ll be a stripped down HTML-only version. Stay…
Sure, the domain name is the same but the platform and the design are all new. The previous Ghost server was very proprietary and will not allow an easy way to export all of my writings there. Nor would it allow me to import decades…
Why write publicly? I’ve asked myself this question at least once a year, and my answer gets easier every year—no one cares. Writing, for me, is a tool to organize my thoughts and process them. It’s also a log for me to remember and look…
Reboot Redesign ReDo
After recent price increases, subscription fatigue, privacy concerns and probably long overdue contentment, it’s time for a change. I’ll be withdrawing more from technology, technology blogs and restructuring everything to maximize privacy, reduce monthly subscription spending and pursuing avenues of personal interest. I am heavily…
Until Next Time…
After twenty-two years of owning and maintaining a website presence it is time to hang it up for now. There are a multitude of reasons behind this decision but I’ll keep most of them to myself. And yet after all this time it feels like…
Back! Yes, I Was Gone
Due to a denial of service (DoS) attack and suspected breach of my personal website security, I was contemplating just wiping the slate clean and start fresh with my entire web presence. No more, new social media accounts, new accounts on the iTunes and Google…