From The Database of CJD

The objective, or desire, in creating this personalized database is ultimate vanity. It is ludicrous that such a disorganized individual such as myself can even hope to maintain it properly. Since I am a ludicrous individual I will go ahead and make the attempt anyway.

I want to be organized, disciplined and to catalog decades of writing, reading journals and notes all into one location for posterity. My interests are varied, the desire is great, and I need to do this for myself, and just maybe, someone else may find it of interest in the future. A legacy? Is that what I want for this project? Something to pass on to someone who may or may not be interested in any of this? Perhaps this can be of some use to my child someday.

Now, how to organize all of my works into one location? That is the purpose of DenbowOS, the Denbow Operating System. That is a challenge, and as of now, I have the time.

  • Export and convert all digital files to either a .txt or .md format for future-proofing.
  • Migrate and import into my database
  • Sort/organize into YY/MM/DD folders
  • Add backlinks to each file and easily searchable based on tags, keywords and tags.
  • Export each year’s entries in a .pdf for safe-keeping
  • Print each year’s entries and store in a folder. Old school archiving.
  • Maintain the file structure discipline from then to the future.