Integration Testing

In another effort to de-complicate and simplify my digital world, I reworked my dual-boot Hybrid laptop. I deleted the Windows partition and added that hard disk space towards the Linux Ubuntu side. Hybrid PC no longer.  Ubuntu has won over Windows because of it’s simplicty and efficiency.  

The two biggest reasons that held me back for so long was my use of Photoshop, Lightroom and Microsoft Office. The open source alternatives such as GIMP (Photoshop), Dark Table (Lightroom) and LibreOffice (guess) were just as capable as their overpriced counterparts. Thanks to the cloud I can use MS Office online if needed or Picasa Web (soon to be Google Photos) to lightly edit a few images. My Android phone is Linux based so I can sync to it wirelessly or tether to it when I am away and am in need of an internet connection.

It will take me a while to discover the flow of how to import, work, export and organize but it can be done. I like to tweak.

There is an immediate, discernable difference between Windows and Linux on this machine. It is quieter, more responsive and not as hot as it was running just Windows. I’d say it was an upgrade even.