• Five Years Later

    After decades using Windows and Linux operating systems, I had had enough with both of them. In 2019 I decided to go all in on the Apple ecosystem and purchased a used  MacBook Air from 2015. In 2021, I decided it was time for…

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  • On Civilization

    Read it and weep. “Formerly the fewest men wrote books that were most valuable. Now anybody writes and prints anything he likes and poisons people’s minds. It has been stated that, as men progress, they shall be able to travel in airships and reach any…

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  • Night + Day

    I geeked out just now watching my website switch from night mode to day mode automatically according to when the sun is scheduled to rise. Thanks to my Open Weather api script. 6:47am 6:48am

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  • Well, That’s Sorted

    While going through all of my files, I discovered they were all scattered across multiple hard drives, backed up multiple times. A mess. I decided to make a master file and import all data into it. Then I started to weed out all the quadruplicates.…

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  • Too Much Input

    My appetite for well-written novels and articles in genres and on topics that I’m interested in, and the availability of all of those, are more than the time I have to read it. I am already staring up at the tower of books now. These…

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  • DVD Archives

    A long time ago I created a website for my daughter to document her growth. Over time, though, it was neglected and shelved. I came across an .xml file containing a few posts but not all of them so I built a new website archive,…

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  • Obsession

    “Lastly, if there’s anything I can convince you of: you should build a personal site, you should obsess over it, you should meticulously document it, and you should have quite a bit of fun doing so. (It’s worth it.)” – Justin Duke

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  • Text Is Best

    While migrating old web articles I have published in/out of databases, there are standard formats that should be universal or compatible with others. The issue I am having is that when exporting old data from a .json formatted document, I run into a long string…

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  • Systems Diagnostic Check 3.3

    It is March 3 (3.3) and time for a check-in to see how I am responding to my own goals for the year so far. This year it is in a language I can understand, such as considering my body, mind, and soul as a…

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  • Update On iPhone Experiment

    I must have thought this was a good idea a year ago because I took the time to write it down and then promptly ignore it. A few days ago I wrote that this was the time to minimize my iPhone usage as an experiment…

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