
Ever since voluntarily leaving my job one month ago I’ve done my best to keep busy but this is slowing down. I’m grateful to have some dedicated time to complete a few personal projects and work on a few more. But I am in a state of suspense right now.

I recall the Israelites wandering in the desert waiting to enter the promised land and can sympathize.

Purgatorio- part two of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, written in the early bits of the 14th century, feels familiar as I may be taking slow steps to advance myself forward to Paradiso.

The Aleph is a point in space that contains all other points. Anyone who gazes into it can see everything in the universe.  

I understand these references are over-dramatic concerning my feelings, but who can deny their own thoughts of a personal situation? I am on the outside looking in. I can seek where I want to go and again, am in a state of suspension in arriving there.

With circumstances and situations in flux, I’ll just settle in and keep busy awaiting the trumpets to sound so we can march forward and into the Promised Land.