Systems Diagnostic Check 3.3

It is March 3 (3.3) and time for a check-in to see how I am responding to my own goals for the year so far. This year it is in a language I can understand, such as considering my body, mind, and soul as a personal operating system. So, how did I do last month? It isn’t going well.

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Bug #1: Lack of physical fitness. To maximize system performance, I need to focus on the overall health of the personal operating system, and that is to stay physically fit. As of February 19th, I am no longer working, and that means I am no longer working outdoors and staying fit. And due to costs, I have dropped the Apple One Fitness+ plan as well. Two fails. Time to access the walking and yoga sub-routines. These should both be done daily. Yoga in the morning to stretch out, and purposeful walking for cardio. I may have to subscribe to a gym membership soon for inspiration and weight lifting.

Bug #2: Nutrition is a crucial component to all of this because I have not eaten well the last quarter of 2023. I should be mindful and seek healthier food options. But this hasn’t happened yet either. Some cooked meals at home, but mostly eat out. I think we are waiting on something to happen here that will assist in a lifestyle change. Frustrating.

Bug #3: Smoking pipe tobacco and drinking alcohol is inserting bad code into my system. I have not worked towards debugging those substances to enhance my personal system performance. In fact, these nasty bugs may be multiplying.

Each month, and the corresponding day, I will run a systems diagnostic and report on either the overall performance or list any bugs that may still need to be addressed.


Other applications will be used to maintain the mental health of my personal operating system, such as:


Creative writing



Overall, these benchmarks for analyzing and evaluating overall performance will help maintain my personal operating system for years to come.

The next systems diagnostic check is scheduled for April 4 (4/4) and hopefully with better results.