• Digital Essentialism

    How is your digital life? Feeling overwhelmed by all the clutter in your inbox, hard drive and cloud service? I know I was. Though I consider myself to be an essentialist, there does come a time when I get lazy and the discipline slides. Clutter,…

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  • Analog + Digital

    When you buy a new vinyl record nowadays, it comes with a code to download the MP3 digital version too. Why can’t we get a free e-book version when you buy a paper book?

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  • Digital vs Analog

    02-25-2023 Analog vs Digital I observed my Royal Scrittore typewriter collecting dust this morn g moring and thought I would give it a go. Two sentences in and my fingers hurt. Compare this tothe keyboard on my MacBook Pro where every key stroke is effortless…

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  • Digital Over Film Photography

    I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film, developing, scanning is getting out of control and is not sustainable for me right now.I love the results but damn. Going all-digital for a while.

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  • Photo Archive & Curation

    2023 is the year I finally go RAID (redundant array of independent disks). After that, a dedicated photo file server. Then organize images with tags, keywords, geotags, faces. Easily searchable. Convert to the Digital Negative format and use as backup One Lightroom catalog per yearly…

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  • Overorganized & Underused

    Over-organizing is a great way to procrastinate. Am I doing something useful or am I avoiding something that is intellectually more difficult? I am not an archivist.But I want to curate my notes and articles. I am not making notes for legal documents.Just for me.…

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  • Light Reading

    Not too many things can beat a free public library card paired with the Libby e-reader app. I’ve downloaded and read so many e-books from there this year that I’ve beaten my goal of twenty two books for 2022. I knocked out that goal by…

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  • This Week

    It’s been about a solid week since re-using iA Writer exclusively, instead of Ulysses and I’m thrilled to be back. I’ve never stuck with iA Writer except for editing Markdown files but now I am using it exclusively to publish here. I’m thinking I have…

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  • Digital > Analog

    I am on a hiatus with analog film photography for now. The price of film, developing, scanning is getting out of control and is not sustainable for me right now. I love the results but damn. Going all-digital for a while.

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  • Digital Contact Sheet

    One of my favorite tools on the iPad is importing my images to the Photos app. The simple act of sorting, organizing these photos like I used to do on a contact sheet of film negatives. Find the keepers and then develop them in the…

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