• Learn

    “Learn to like what doesn’t cost much.Learn to like reading, conversation, music.Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different…different from you.Learn to like to…

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  • Interest

    “I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t” Albert Camus, The Stranger

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  • Not Really Living

    I can’t stand it to think my life is going so fast and I’m not really living it. Ernest Hemingway Houston Metro Lightrail circa 2016

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  • Why Ask Why

    “Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” Pablo Picasso Picasso, when asked what his paintings meant. Sometimes we create for the sake of creating and seeing what happens. There are times where I go out…

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  • The Romance of the Unusual

    Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual. Ernest Hemingway

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  • Technical Issues

    If you think technology will solve your problems then you don’t understand technology – and, you don’t understand your problems. Laurie Anderson Find the best tool for a specific job and stick with it. This is better said than done for me since I enjoy…

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  • Take Charge

    “Nothing about the Internet is fixed, permanent, or inevitable. It is malleable, shape-shifting, and constantly evolving. And it increasingly comes with more responsibility and risks for guarding our own data and taking charge of distributing our words and images.” EI Skyers This sums up nicely…

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  • Never Give Up

    “The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never giving up your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley

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  • Beginner’s Mind

    “It often happens that two students can solve difficulties in their work for one another better than the master can. The fellow-pupil can help because he knows less. The difficulty we want him to explain is one he has recently met. The expert met it…

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  • Possibilities

    In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

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