• Video Denbow

    When I am not capturing portraits with my camera, I am documenting where I have been, what I am doing and the people I am with. I want to start focusing on creating stories. Sure, there are a few photos that tell a story in…

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    Post on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.

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  • Kinetic Blog

    While I may not produce short stories, or even that novel in my head as often as I want to, this website has been a constant for the past two decades. It is kinetic, modern, ever changing and relevant. Unlike a book where it is…

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  • On Micro Posts

    Micro posts or micro blogging as a mind log. A quick journal to look back on.

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    This is the second stop of my 11th month journey to create life-long habits for myself. The full write up on this is now hosted in the Archives. I’ll be taking this year-long trek up to December 12th (12/12) and will stop and reflect on…

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  • Dark Mode

    Is finally complete. Although, I may add BW photos to the walls

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  • Drone

    Looking forward to adding ”Pilot” to my About page!

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  • Version 1.4

    This is the fourth update to the new and improved website. I gave it a fresh coat of paint as well as connected the Archives and Micro sites. Even better, the paint matches the photography site perfectly. This website also reflects the home office makeover.…

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  • Dark Mode

    The home office makeover is finally complete. Although eventually, I will hang black frames with a few of my black and white images. Ultra Wide Camera- 13mm f 1.8 ISO 1600

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  • All About Me

    I am the author, creator, distributor and publisher of my images. Not dependent on social media, third parties, agents, publishing houses etc to distribute my work.

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