• My Way

    I pay a web host for my personal website, my private emails, RSS, and photo services. I pay to support the products I enjoy using and that promise to not collect or sell my information. If it’s “free” than I don’t want it.

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  • Personal Publishing Principles

    When’s the last time you went to an actual website to read a real article written by a human, without being slapped in the face by pop-ups, cookie warnings, ads, and lead-generating magnets? It’s past time to get back to the basics of the WWW.…

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  • The Internet Is Broken

    Anyone else noticed that today’s WWW is insufferable? I don’t specifically know when it turned, or why most users became jerks, but I’ll go ahead and guess about 2010. Making money off of content became more important than the content itself. This is a long…

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  • The Cult Of Mac

    Yours truly was recently featured on a prominent website again. In the article, David was kind enough to feature the tools of my trade and how crucial a clean, minimal, dark and dedicated workspace enhances productivity and focus. Special thanks to David Snow and the…

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  • The Ideal Life

    Lately, I’ve been thinking of the optimal lifestyle and how to get the best out of life. How can I better my existence? An ideal lifestyle is one you have to define for yourself. So if I wanted to focus on creativity and photography, I…

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  • Calaveras

    See this and more on the photography website- Photo Denbow

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  • Take Charge

    “Nothing about the Internet is fixed, permanent, or inevitable. It is malleable, shape-shifting, and constantly evolving. And it increasingly comes with more responsibility and risks for guarding our own data and taking charge of distributing our words and images.” EI Skyers This sums up nicely…

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  • Test Post

    Did I fix the xml-rpc issues that were locking out read/write access? SUCCESS

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  • Server Issues

    After an hour and a half with my server host, the connection issue to my Micro posts page was unresolved. I am trying to secure the web certificate so it reads as: https://www.micro.chrisdenbow.com The “S” in the domain name denotes a secure website. But the…

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  • I Did It Again

    Here’s something about me: I’ll tweak and twerk on something until it’s molded into something I’m happy with. And just when I’ve got it down to what I want, I switch to something entirely different. Example- I’ve been working with a fantastic site setup here…

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