Welcome To My New Home

Welcome to my newest digital home, https://chrisdenbow.website

Like any new move there is going to be some things that are unpacked such as my archives that go back to 2001, a few design tweaks (like fresh coats of paint, wallpapering), and the constant re-arranging of furniture.

While I wanted the previous Silver Fox persona to shield my privacy and anonymity, it was a fun experiment but that was the problem, it wasn’t me. Since 2001, this website was all about me. I wrote it for myself first, but people eventually tagged along and joined me as I threw my life out there. Then the guests grew to almost a thousand visitors coming and going as they pleased and I was trying to be a good host but it didn’t matter. More on that later, but now, it is time for a tour of the new place. Yes, I know I write this for myself, but eventually I will have guests, so why be rude and not show them around?

First stop, the Pages

As my website analytics show (don’t worry, I don’t track or use this information for nefarious reasons, that’s rude), most people come to visit on their mobile devices. If this is you, then you are able to click the two horizontal bars in the upper right hand corner. This is the menu bar that displays all of the pages. If you are visiting on a computer, which I suggest to get the full effect, the menu bar is up top in the middle. Up first, is the Archives.

Menu Bar as seen on mobile device
Page view on mobile device


A backlog of articles from 2001 to present. Coming soon.

Bookshelf (formerly The Library)

Since this website is all about me, you get to have a peak into my life such as what I am reading or have read in the recent past. In here I have a list of books of 24 books in 2024 to read. I have read five so far and I am ahead of the curve so far and have even given them a 1-5 star review. You’ll also see what I am currently reading and down below, books I have re-shelved after use.


The Colophon page tells a story of how this website has been designed, updated and by which tools I have used to create. Along with a contact section to reach out to me. I love emails and I love responding to them even more. This helps make my site better so feel free to drop me a line to hello @ chrisdenbow.website


When you click on this page, it will automatically re-direct you to my digital photography studio website, SilverFox Photography. Yes, eventually I will want to move that back to photodenbow.com, but that will be further down the road. Until then, take a look at my photo portfolio while there? But bookmark that for later, because there is more of this new home to show you.

Podcast (formerly The FoxCast)

It wouldn’t do to have a Foxcast when that old site goes away, would it? Say hello to the Radio Denbow podcast. The format is still the same, however. Photography, book reviews, geocaching or anything else I find interesting, all in 5 minutes or less.

Read.me (formerly About)

In software development, a Read.me file is a small text file that is part instruction manual and part introduction to the code writer of that software. Here, it is a little insight about me.


Clicking this will simply bring you back to the front door of the website.

On Desktop

If you are not visiting with your mobile device but on a computer instead, you will enjoy a much better view. All the pages are on display at the top, the images are wider and more visibly pleasing.

Desktop view of website

RSS Feed

There are multiple ways to consume this website and all can be enjoyable, one of these is called Really Simple Syndication (RSS.) All of my websites have the ability to send code to a feed aggregator into the feed reader of your choice. I use both FeedBin and Reeder. Think of them as a podcast player but for text. Mine is chrisdenbow.website/rss/ so every time I post an article here, you do not have to come back to this website, you can read it in your feed reader, along with all the other websites you have chosen to enjoy with no ads, no tracking. RSS is the backbone of the old internet and is still thriving to this day. Advertisers hate it because they haven’t figured out how to monetize it after all these years.

Easy subscription form.


That word, subscription, has bad connotations these days, but not here, no way. If you want to stay up on the latest articles, you can have them delivered to your email inbox instead. As I have always said, no spam. No advertising. No B.S. not ever. Your information and privacy never leaves my web server or will get sold.

By subscribing, you also have the ability to leave a comment on any web article. I highly encourage this. The internet, the WWW, was founded on websites. The social web, not social media is where it is at. It was done by linking to each other and commenting on everyone’s own website. If you like an article, tell me! If you want to share something related to an article, then please do!

Subscription options for commenting, and receiving articles. Please do so.


By subscribing, you will have access to a special email, one article that is separate from the website. A blend of text and photography that doesn’t have a place on either my text or photography websites. It will be more personal.

Successful test of a published newsletter. Apologies for the goofy-ass image, it WAS a test


Search Feature- if you click the magnifying glass, you can search by topic and it will pull up any article using that reference.

If you click on an article category such as “Reading” or “Journal” or “Photography” in an article it will display all articles that have been referenced.

Category reference and search features

Finally, at the bottom of every article, there are 1-3 other articles of interest to prompt you to read if interested.

ChrisDenbow.website is managed on a virtual Ghost server and maintained by myself.

The color mode does automatically shift between day and night modes for easier reading. I am proud of that particular feature 🙂

The colors and fonts used here are inspired by the Mercedes Formula 1 racing team.

Man, that is a sexy car.

Change Log & Version History

24-02-11: Version 1.0 installed onto Ghost server

I was listening to this brilliant and technically perfect album while editing this article: