You Say You Want A Resolution

So it begins. A new personal project that is not your average new year resolution. It is the Ground Hog Day resolutions. While similar to NYE, it is delayed for a month and starts on February 2 (today). I will also be posting monthly check-ins to monitor my progress. The goals are specific and personal to myself. Feel free to recreate and customize to your needs. These are huge steps for me and I think that if they are broken down into specifics, I’ll stand a greater chance of finishing strong.

All right, here are my goals in no order of importance:

  • Sleep- I am going to have difficulty with this one, probably more so then the rest. There is so much that I want to do in a day but find it difficult to accomplish. After a good workout and a long day of work, I’m sure this well send me crawling into bed. Just to be safe, I am removing late night snacking and caffeine before 8PM. Also, I downloaded an app simply called “White Noise” that creates ambient sound loops that seems to soothe my brain. Goal: 8 hours sleep daily
  • Pray- I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer. The chance to be still and communicate with God is not to be missed. The problem lately is that it has been missed. As the spiritual leader of my family, I have neglected this but now resolve to be stronger. Recently we introduced nightly prayers with our daughter who gets upset if we forget to perform them. With prayer comes meditation and devotion. The WonderWife and I will be devoting ourselves to family Bible study as well as a home study fellowship with others. Goal: daily prayer and meditation.
  • Eat- If it is true that you are what you eat then I must be greasy, cheesy and sugary. None of these sounds appealing. I will be partnering with the WW in making healthier choices for meal and snack times. Water, tea and juice will replace the soda. Beer will be permitted sparingly. I love fruit and vegetables and may experiment with the ones I used to detest (broccoli). Goal: Deliberate, healthy choices in limited portions. Reward self with MAYBE one eat out, soda per week. 
  • Fit- I’ve been wanting to drop 20 pounds for the past two years. I would say I have been trying but that would be misleading. Specific methods are vague at this point but will include weights, running (C25K) and a lot of hiking. I’ll be on foot every other day and pushing weights the next with a day off on Sunday. Music and podcasts will be pumping in my ears thanks to my Walkman and iPod. Goal: workout almost daily w/ emphasis on cardio, weights and drop 20 pounds by the 2nd check-in (4/4/11)
  • Marriage- On a more personal note, I have mentioned WonderWife many times here and it is only fair that I don’t take her or that title for granted. Truth be told, I am a selfish person and really do not appreciate her like she deserves. She is a brilliant woman who deserves someone far better than me. So now it is up to myself to be that man. Goal: More supportive to her needs by asking. Supporting her without asking and just doing what is needed. Communication and attention. Weekly family meetings.

There are so many issues I need and want to work with but they may resolve themselves with the above actions. Besides, I need to be careful not to overwhelm myself and just quit. Did you make New year resolutions? Are you still resolute in your actions?