Baby Denbow At 24 Weeks

** Update**  After a thorough scan during the ultrasound, the technician is 85% sure that we are having a girl! The baby was a little more active than the previous visit but still very modest. Even the face was covered by the hand, it was so cute!

Here’s an updated photo of the baby girl..very grainy compared to other photos I have seen on the internet. Hmm….maybe they need a new one?


She’s a cute lil blob, isn’t she?

What will the next generation of Denbows be? Tune in tomorrow as we go back to the doctor’s office for a second ultrasound. Earlier this month, the baby was asleep and we could not determine anything. Tomorrow, Wonderwife is ensuring we see something by having a spicy lunch, a sugary soda and iTunes on her stomach to wake the baby up and get moving around.

Wonderwife and I are now taking your suggestions as to the baby’s name. So now is your chance to get interactive!


I’d like to upload some photos for back-up purposes but both FLickr & Zooomr are having downtime issues. Zooomr is passed a week of downtime while trying to upload to version 3 (bigger/better). Flickr has a scheduled maintenance tonight.

Zooomr Mark III Launch Demo! from Kristopher on Vimeo



Flickr logo. If you click it, you'll go home

Flickr is having a massage.

For updates, please check the Flickr Blog.

What is a photo geek to do?

Thank goodness for Photoshop…bye!


Photo Friday 05.25.07

Wave To The Camera!, originally uploaded by ::Photo Mojo::.

It is Friday on the eve of a 3-day weekend. Finish your work and get out of there, people! Don’t forget to honor and appreciate the sacrifices of so many servicemen/women present & past while chewing down the BBQ.

The Mojo Updates

 Day 222 (Or is this Day 1 now?) - Oops!

I know you have been waiting and waiting for it. You click the reload button in your browser. Maybe you press F5 to refresh your screen. Or perhaps you have been checking your RSS feed reader while hoping there was a new post from me. Well, huzzah! Here it is. It’s only been 6 days..yeesh!

So I was attempting to update the Mojo network of sites, when I noticed that most of the 3rd party applications (Flickr photo hosting, Windows Live Writer, etc) I use to blog aren’t connecting to my server.

After some research, I found out that these services stopped when WordPress (the blogging platform here) upgarded to version 2.2 recently. Bugger.

So I logged onto my server host and promptly proceeded to upgrade myself to 2.2 for the three blogs I have on there.


Techno Mojo disappeared. #$%@*!(@) Not again!

I checked Photo Mojo as well. Thankfully it was still there. It upgraded to 2.2 but the entire template was changed as well as the stylesheet of the theme. Bugger.

Go Mojo was still intact. So what did I do? I waited until Wonderwife finished the meal I prepared for her and casually mentioned: “So I **bleep** up the Mojo network, honey. Can you fix it?”

30 minutes later, Techno Mojo was back and intact. The theme was basic, but the data was there, unlike the last time. Whew.

Photo Mojo’s posts are still there but the site is really wonky. Whew.

So what is the moral of the story here? Just because you CAN upgrade, doesn’t mean you should. Not without Wonderwife.

There you have it. The Mojo has updated…in more ways than one.

So how are you?