


This whole being-sick-since-Christmas thing has got to go. I wish I could throw it away like a used tissue. It has thrown off all of my best laid plans of renewal and revival. Not to mention a longer than usual cold streak here in Houston has brought me down too.

I don’t do cold weather or cold sickness very well.

Let’s Do Something

fatdumbhappy0911 *

We cannot keep doing what we are doing and expect change. Come to think of it, we cannot expect hope and change from those who would promise better things. The time is coming and has now come that we go back to what made us strong. Hard work. Are you as tired as I am with the status quo? Are you exasperated that for some time now you feel like you have lost control? Our households will not get better by themselves. Your bank accounts will not increase by themselves. The careers we have will have to be dictated by us, not at the whims of over-extending bigwigs. It’s time to wake up, Uh-merica. This year I am resolving to get back control over myself.

For far too long I have sat back and watched as the waistline increased, my brain cells decrease and my personal happiness go bye-bye. In 2010 I will be healthier, smarter and happier with the help of hard work and determination.

Because I have lost control of myself I have allowed outside forces to take control. I will reclaim my independence and start working harder and smarter for me & mine. I have never been afraid to work hard, I just have forgotten how. Time to relearn.

I enjoyed Chris Brogan’s article on making construction sexy. “Get your hard hat. Get your blue prints. Find your crew. Let’s make construction sexy. You with me?”

* Thanks to Hugh at Gaping Void for the illustration inspiration

8 Ways To Establish Yourself

drawing up the plans (Doors & Windows)

During this rebrand process, I am reminded about what works or what needs to go back to the drawing board. By changing my brand from something established to something new takes work. Maybe you are starting out or maybe you need to find a better way to build the wheel. Here are a few things I have learned along the way…

  1. Reach Out- Now that you’ve made relationships online with followers, “friends” and contacts, go meet them. You know, shake their hand, hear their voice, look them in the eyes. Discover a local meetup or an active user group. There is strength in the sharing.
  2. Branch Out – However, if you only hang out with people that have similar interests how does that help you get new business?  Your colleagues are not going to share the work load they secured for themselves. It is critical to spend face time with your peers, but if you really want to market yourself and get more clients, you have to look outside of your usual group.
  3. Testify!- Those of us who can make a good living out of what we do will build up a great reputation and so can you. Don’t be afraid to ask for a  testimonial after a job well done. Chances are, your client will be happy to do so if you’ve established a good relationship with them. If they liked your work, get it in writing. Have you ever read the customer reviews on These are invaluable to your purchase decisions and so are the client’s testimonials to the prospective customer you haven’t met yet.
  4. References Upon Request-Always ask your client too, if they know others who could use your services. In my work as a photographer, the best referrals are the images displayed at workplaces, homes, desktop wallpapers and even social media sites. However, I always ask the client to refer me to their network. I am always happy to meet new people and meet their needs.
  5. Earn Clients, Gain Friends- I’m discovering this a lot more lately myself. After a job well done, cash the check and move on, right? Wrong. Pick up on customer cues when they discuss their lives. Establish a rapport or common ground. Share your life if possible. Follow up with these details by a simple email or commenting on their Facebook status. These subtle, constant reminders of your interest as well as your body of work will go a long way in the future. 
  6. Go To Market- If you want to build your brand and establish yourself as a professional, we have to know you exist. Get a brand, a logo that matches you and your talents. Have your services phrased and memorized to respond to the question that always comes up: “So, what do you do?” Market yourself. You need a business plan. What tools will you work with to put your name out there? Invest your time & money with multiple outlets. Print, media, social web, whatever. Don’t forget to establish a means of measuring the effects of your marketing. What is the return on investment (ROI)? Are you effective?
  7. Not Just Personal. Its Business- Get a business plan. A plan of action. Take care of the details. Maybe you are the person that just wants to do the job and that’s it. All right, but either take care of business or hire a business manager. Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur?  This is critical. Decide that first. Your decision will affect how you do business. You can be both but take care of business. What is your time worth? Will you be able to put money in savings if you are undercharging for your work? Are your expenses covered? Can you make a living out of this? It takes the fun out of work but it will keep you working. FYI, I hate this part and it is a weakness. It is also something I will resolve to do better.
  8. Go Ahead, Show-Off  Make it a priority of your marketing plan to have your work readily available to prospective clients. Build a portfolio or a website. Offer downloads or samples of your work. Brag, gloat and wave it around like a flag. We make decisions based upon what we see. So let them see it. Make sure it is updated and relevant too. If you cannot do this, don’t do anything. Prospects are turned away because they feel like you’ve just wasted their time. 

This is not an exhaustive list by any means. I am just sharing what I have learned from experience as well as communicating with other like-minded individuals. Got some more tips? What are your experiences? I’d love to hear them. The comment section is all yours!


Now Open

come on in! is now open for business. Pardon the dust as I am still trying to clean things up around here, move the furniture around and re-organize. The website will still get a makeover but this will do for now (better than a boring template). The transfer from was not as painful as I expected thanks to the insights of some great friends and WordPress ninjas: Donald Harper Stephen Alexander Linda MacPhee-Cobb and Brandon Oelling at X-Equals . Of course a special thanks to WonderWife who is way smarter than I am. Thanks, amigos!

This website is designed to be interactive through comments, video, voice and more. Let me encourage you to speak your mind and turn my monologue into our dialog. You can do this by visiting the website frequently or by subscribing to the RSS feed and/or get the articles by email subscription (no spam!).

Mobile access is now provided as well for those of us who cannot get enough of our mobile devices. You know who you are!

Anywhoo… I’d appreciate a comment to test this thing out. Be kind, won’t you? Thanks for sticking with me during this transition. You won’t be disappointed.


Chris Denbow

Oh Relax


I need to relax and de-stress myself. I miss the old me where I would not only laugh, but crack a joke too. I’m not myself but all that will change and here is how I want to do it. Join along if you’d like.

  1. Workout more (obvious stress reliever)
  2. meditation
  3. yoga (might as well see what the hype is)
  4. sleep
  5. walk with my family
  6. listen to music (with headphones on)
  7. quit assuming and actually listen
  8. healthier food choices
  9. be myself

Ahhh… much better!


Yes, I just made that word up but I wanted to let you know that I am making myself more available to you. We’re on Facebook. Become a fan today!

There is a new “Mojo” hotline you can use to call/text me with. If you leave a message, I’ll be able to retrieve these as well as receive a text transcription of your voice. How cool is that? Thanks Google Voice!

Also available is Skype, where you can make free calls from your computer. Also adds video chat/text as well. Neat! Add me “mojodenbow”.

Call me with questions regarding Photo Mojo, photo consulting or even if you just want to reach out and touch someone.

(281) 769-2809

Who loves ya like I do?

* 7 7

photo is courtesy of B*Wag, another new Texan and neighbor. Thanks!


Focus (Or Lack Of)


Change is inevitable, right? It is how we respond to the changes that helps define us. When looking at myself lately, I don’t like the definition or the response. I’ve lost my focus and my path recently and I want it back. There are various reasons for this lack of application.

I identified some of the perpetual culprits such as neglecting my fitness and nutrition. My sleep schedule sucks and I’ve allowed too many outside distractions in. I’m well aware that these can be put back on track when I discipline myself. If I am honest with myself then I have to admit that there are other issues that are distracting my focus.

My sleep schedule as I mentioned earlier just plain sucks. I am mentally restless as I am constantly trying to find new stimulus. I’m not even looking for anything in particular. Sometimes I am trying to find a muse or new productivity workflows. Other occasions I am trying to find outside income. I look for these things until my brain catches up to my body and collapses.

Sometimes my plans need to go back to the drawing board because they were never fully thought out. The rest of them are stalled due to uncertainty. I can’t see clearly enough to execute. 

On the other side of this is the fact that when I do sit down to work on a plan I go blank. I cannot process what I have studied and apply it.

No, I do not have an attention disorder.

I simply must order my attention on the specific task at hand as opposed to multi-task. There has to be a distinction between work projects and personal projects. I am guilty of combining the two if it will help (apparently it isn’t).

Tomorrow I will focus my attention on what matters and how to prioritize this.

Because my focus is fuzzy, I may need another set of eyes and your opinions/solutions to rectify this. How have you resolved this issue? Are you struggling with maintaining your focus?