
I am experimenting with a sort of short form writing called an “aside,” here on the website. These are designed for quick thoughts as opposed to long form posts.

I wanted to sort and categorize these in to an individual page but haven’t sorted out how to tweak the Php code just yet for fear of breaking it.

For now, if interested, you and I can just click on the “aside” tag or category and it will pull up and display as well.

The idea being similar to social media posts like Tweets but it is anti-social.

I’ve also sorted out how to do this remotely from my mobile device for even quicker thoughts.


In addition to adding a page dedicated to the FoxCast, I added a “Currently” page.

This page is dedicated to this month’s quick thoughts and frequently updated as soon as possible. It is an ethereal experiment that will disappear in place of the next month’s thoughts in short form. Think Twitter but anti-social. I just erased October’s thoughts and added November. Not a lot on there…currently, as the month just started.

If you want to know what’s on my mind1, check out the Currently page.

  1. I know I do! ↩︎