You Want The Cute? You Can’t Handle The Cute.


One of the best times of day for me is when I put our toddler down for the night. No, not because it is a chance to have some free time for myself, (although it does help). Daphne gets super cuddly, lays her head on my shoulder and we’ll sing softly, give hugs and kisses and just share the moment together. After tucked in, she’ll softly say “I love you daddy”.


This image is clearly not her at her current age but I just had to share it as well

Meet Our New Photographer

The Photographer's Apprentice

Little DVD has been enjoying the old digital camera she inherited. As soon as I cleaned it up and adjusted a few settings she couldn’t put it down. She even puts up a fuss when I take it back to upload photos to the computer. I created a Flickr account for her work that can only be viewed by family members for now but here is a quick glimpse.

The Elusive Westie Terrier

Pink Toes!


She has her own style of shooting but she can see her images and adjust pretty quickly.

Camera: Olympus C765 Ultra Zoom 4MP point & shoot w/10x optical zoom


Daph & Daddy"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express."

—Joseph Addison

Long Weekend

Yes it is Labor day weekend and people are used to getting 3 days off, but when I say long weekend, I mean something else. WonderWife left out of state on Friday for her sister’s baby shower and won’t be back until mid-day Monday. This means that little DVD and I have a long weekend together. Fortunately I have my father-in-law to assist with her.

To my fellow dads: Appreciate your wife and the way she raises your child.

Image courtesy of the movie Mr. Mom and Michael Keaton Central

Terrific Two

DVD Is Almost 2 Years Old!


Today we celebrate the day you came into our lives. After so many years of waiting for you, you have certainly exceeded my expectations. You are the perfect blend of your mother and I. You have your mom’s beauty and creativity. You have my active lifestyle and social skills. Right about this time you are expressing yourself in ways that remind me of myself. This is both a source of pride and concern for me.

I love your independence, your sense of discovery & exploration. You love analyzing how things work and then quickly mess it up and start over again.

It makes me happy when you are dependent on me too. For all the times you say “Uh-oh” or get a little scared, you can trust I will be close by. I’m always happy to help with what you need.

I appreciate your affection. For every hug and kiss we share that just makes my day better. The way you hold my hand when we walk or pat my back when I hold you brings a smile to my face. I look forward to coming home just so I can see you race to my arms and yell “Da-da” at the top of your lungs.

Happy birthday, baby. I love you.

– Daddy

Welcome To Our World!Daph & Daddy

Arts & Craft

While we were visiting the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Wonderwife wanted to attend a lecture on art conservancy. Little DVD and I decided to make our own once we discovered a craft program for kids just down the hall. The theme was African animals to help promote the museums African holdings.

I think all we need is an ornate frame and the most prominent wall space available.

Daphne's First Art Project

Of COURSE it is a bird….why do you ask?

My Day


First of all, I would like to thank my WonderWife and Daphne for making this possible. I would not be a father if it were not for them. Jenny & I went almost twelve years together without a child and I cannot tell you how much she was worth waiting for.

Daphne reminds me of myself in almost every way. Energetic, social, rambunctious and a free spirit. Even as I type this the little girl is in her crib crying her head off because she is like her father. There is too much to do and so much energy to be spent on anything else besides sleeping. She can also be very moody and display an attitude when something happens that she disagrees with.

She is very playful and daring. She doesn’t scare easily. Her new favorite act is twirling until she is dizzy, which is nothing new for toddlers except she does this all while balancing herself on my stomach.

If you cannot tell, I am very proud of my daughter and love her very much. My hope is that she will have no doubts of this as long as I live. Thank you, Daphne.

Love, Daddy

Big Fish Little FishPolka Dot Waitress (Re-edit)