Long Weekend

Yes it is Labor day weekend and people are used to getting 3 days off, but when I say long weekend, I mean something else. WonderWife left out of state on Friday for her sister’s baby shower and won’t be back until mid-day Monday. This means that little DVD and I have a long weekend together. Fortunately I have my father-in-law to assist with her.

To my fellow dads: Appreciate your wife and the way she raises your child.

Image courtesy of the movie Mr. Mom and Michael Keaton Central

My Day


First of all, I would like to thank my WonderWife and Daphne for making this possible. I would not be a father if it were not for them. Jenny & I went almost twelve years together without a child and I cannot tell you how much she was worth waiting for.

Daphne reminds me of myself in almost every way. Energetic, social, rambunctious and a free spirit. Even as I type this the little girl is in her crib crying her head off because she is like her father. There is too much to do and so much energy to be spent on anything else besides sleeping. She can also be very moody and display an attitude when something happens that she disagrees with.

She is very playful and daring. She doesn’t scare easily. Her new favorite act is twirling until she is dizzy, which is nothing new for toddlers except she does this all while balancing herself on my stomach.

If you cannot tell, I am very proud of my daughter and love her very much. My hope is that she will have no doubts of this as long as I live. Thank you, Daphne.

Love, Daddy

Big Fish Little FishPolka Dot Waitress (Re-edit)


Wonderwife and I are celebrating our 13th year of marriage and 18th year together overall. She has made me into a better man and I will always be grateful for her love and support.

Our first date was a complete disaster. She wanted to go see “Silence of the Lambs” to which I had no desire to see but agreed out of fear of missing out on her. It was gross, and it felt like I was sitting 3 chairs away from her because of my squeamishness. Hard to believe it won the 1991 Oscar award. Dinner was absolutely tasteless. I suggested going to a dance club but she was turned away for not being 18. I could have gone in but would have felt bad leaving her by herself. Imagine my surprise when she agreed to a second date. A year after college we were married on May 4, 1996 and had our honeymoon in San Francisco.

Thirteen years later, I am still amazed that she stuck it out with me for this long. I am not deserving. No one else could have been my best friend, be the strengths to my weakness, or love me like she does. She is wise beyond her age, an excellent cook, a creative soul and has always been attractive to me. On top of everything else, she is a brilliant mother to our 2 year old daughter. How did I manage to win her heart? I am nothing without her.

I love you, Jenny. Thank you.



Road Trippin

Bluebonnets (3 of 4)

daddy’s little blue belle

Wonderwife, DVD and I jumped into our car for a quick day trip to Brenham, Texas and back today. It took us about an hour and a half to get out of Katy (just west of Houston) thanks to a donut stop and a department store. The store visit was promptly after opening an over-pressurized chocolate milk bottle.

Just before reaching Sealy, Texas we pulled off to visit Stephen Austin’s memorial site and state park near San Felipe. Little DVD romped and played through the area and bluebonnet fields. This was one of the main reasons for the trip was to capture the mandatory bluebonnet portraits.

After sampling some BBQ beef brisket in Sealy, we headed north to Brenham and the Blue Bell creamery. Of course the best part of any tour is a sampling of the manufactured goods and this was no different. Once 3 scoops of ice cream had been devoured, we went back to a field covered in Texas’ state flower for another photo session. By this time the very patient, fun-loving girl had been away from home for too long and Wonderwife was chewed on by a few ants. So we grabbed a few shots and made our way back to the house in Katy.

BluebonnetsBluebonnets (2 of 4)

Girl and Cow

Christmas Vacation

12-17-2008 7-58-54 PM

The Denbow family wishes you the happiest of holiday wishes to you and your family. We’re travelling to Tulsa to celebrate with my side of the clan this year. The last time we had Christmas there was 4 years ago. We left home in Birmingham to arrive in Oklahoma 36 hrs later thanks to ice and dying car battery. We were spared from death many times that trip and vowed not to drive that way again if there was a hint of ice! Since we moved to Houston, we can now have a Christmas with my family up in Tulsa again.

Posing will be light from this upcoming Sunday until the Sunday after Christmas. I’ll be documenting activities for Photo Mojo, Video Mojo and more of course.

Have fun, love one another, peace on Earth and try to keep your cool in frustrating circumstances. We have such high expectations and plans that usually fall through so expect setbacks. See what happened to my brother when he told me he ate the last Christmas sugar cookie AND only left a swallow of milk in the carton?

Brotherly Love

no animals were harmed during this photo shoot. john, however was